Friday, January 23, 2009

First Love !!!

First love is dangerous
only when it is also the last.

First love is a little foolish
and a lot of curiosity.

Men always want to be
a woman's first love -
women like to be
a man’s last romance.

First romance,
first love,
is something
so special to all of us,
both emotionally and physically,
that it touches
our lives and
enriches them forever.

We always believe
our first love is our last,
and our last love is our first.

Woman's happiness
begins with her first love
and ends about then.

Every man is
thoroughly happy
twice in his life:
just after he
has met his first love,
and just after
he has left his last one

The magic of first love
is our ignorance
that it can never end.

First love
is a kind of vaccination
which saves a man
from catching the complaint
the second time.

Lucky is the man
who is the
first love of a woman,
but luckier is the
woman who is the
last love of a man.

~ Unknown.